NEW Featured Poet and Independent Bookstore

We hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and well!

We’re happy to be sharing a new “Featured Poet” and “Featured Independent Bookstore.”


The beautiful coastal town of Camden, Maine is home to poet/naturalist Kristen Lindquist. Her poems are filled with images of the natural world and her community. Three collections of her poetry have been published, and she continues to write daily haiku poems, shared on her blog site — Book of Days.


Her most recent book, Tourists in the Known World: New and Selected Poems is available from Owl & Turtle Bookshop Cafe, also located in Camden, Maine.


Despite the current pandemic and social distancing challenges, Owl & Turtle are safely continuing to offer their friendly customer service and great selection of books. Sadly, you’ll have to provide your own coffee and baked goods — the cafe and bookstore doors are currently closed (look to their Facebook page for updates) but you can call or email to place your book order today!

Brilliant Light Publishing Website Launched Nearly One Year Ago

We’re pleased to be adding a new area to the site: Featured Independent Bookstore

We’re pleased to be adding a new area to the site: Featured Independent Bookstore


It’s been nearly one year since the Brilliant Light Publishing website launched and we’ve gathered together a list of some of the finest in New England writing talent. What began as a list of Recommended Vermont Poets and their books quickly branched out to include Recommended Fiction and Nonfiction writers, as well as poets from the New England writing community, and covering a variety of topics, including Nature, Travel, and Children’s books.

The Norwich Bookstore is located in Norwich, Vermont

The Norwich Bookstore is located in Norwich, Vermont

We continue to promote the best of New England’s poets and writers, and we’re pleased to be adding a new area to the site: Featured Independent Bookstore. As with our Featured Poet/Writer page, from time-to-time we’ll showcase an exceptional independent bookstore and share some of their staff’s recommended titles by New England authors. Our first offering is The Norwich Bookstore, located in Norwich, Vermont.

We hope that you continue to find our author and book suggestions helpful this summer season, and seek them out at your favorite independent bookstore. We’ll also continue to update our site with author and bookstore events.

We’d be happy to hear about New England writers you’ve been reading lately. One of our favorites is Vermont poet, James Crews.

James Crews reading from his book, Telling My Father

James Crews reading from his book, Telling My Father

Visit our Featured Poet/Writer page to learn more, and thanks for visiting


— Scott Lesniewski, Contributing Editor, Brilliant Light Publishing